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How Much Energy Does Your Commute Really Use?

A single day travel to office by car is equal to pressing your shirts for an entire year! Surprised? Let’s dive in. Every morning, I start my day with a drive to the office. In that short trip, I burn about 2 liters of fuel. But have you ever wondered how much energy is packed in those 2 liters? Surprisingly, it’s enough energy to press over 200 shirts! Yes, you heard that right! That’s a fresh shirt every workday for an entire year. All that energy spent on a single commute could keep me looking sharp all year long. Imagine the impact if we found more efficient ways to use our energy. What would you choose? One day’s drive or a year’s worth of crisp shirts? Next time you fuel up, remember the incredible potential of that energy. Rethink Energy Usage 🌍.